Saturday, March 01, 2014

Cory Turns Six

Yes, this happened in January. Oh well.

This guy. This hilarious, feisty, opinionated, snuggly, loving guy. He turned six, and I was not okay with that, but he did it anyway.

The obligatory last day as a five pictures. He was hamming it up big time.

That hat? It used to be Jeremy's brother Phil's. Cory loves it. Most nights, he sleeps with it on. 

For his birthday, Cory wanted to make tents. We had the Whatleys over for dinner (his favorite high-starch meal of mashed potatoes, chicken cracker pie over rice, and cornbread), and then all the big kids made tents in the garage. It was possibly the easiest birthday party ever. And they have slept in the tents in the living room or on their bedroom floor on several occasions. 

And he's six! (Can I just say that I think it's adorable that he wanted to wear his Four shirt on his sixth birthday? Love this guy. And what a cutie!)

Making the birthday banner:

More hamming it up.

(typical Cory face)

Birthday dinner

Making tents!

 The finished products.

Cory wanted a target cake with an arrow. Your wish is my command, buddy.

Cory, this year we have seen so much growth in you. You've learned self-control, grown in compassion, and become more like Jesus. We are so proud of you and you add so much joy, humor, perspective, and fun to this family. You're wise beyond your years, and you're a deep thinker and and old soul. Happy birthday Cory!

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