Saturday, May 09, 2015

Snapshots of Life

We are rolling through spring and into summer faster than ever this year, or so it seems. We've been kept very busy with school, church, and just life with five littles, and we're trying to also take time for memory-making. These days, though they are often long and exhausting, are also going to be gone before we know it, and we want to make the most of this time.

So here, for remembrance's sake, are some snapshots of our days, some notes around the margins of our full life.

(Sam and Cory)

(Iain and Cory holding hands before they do the sumo wrestling event at our church's winter event. I love that they do this when they're nervous.)

(Cory's CC class--and they're color-coordinated!)

(Cory does art at CC.)

(family movie night!)

(Ivy sleeps)

(This is really how Ivy sleeps most days!)

(Jeremy, Ivy and I made a quick trip to Florida in April. Ivy surprised us all by rolling from her tummy to her back! I think she's done it maybe once since?)

(Ivy and her cousin Miles. I adore this picture.)

(Easter morning arrived with Iain and Mason both under the weather. So these three and I went to church. Afterwards, we had my family and the Burtons over for a picnic.)

(Baby's First Easter--dress by Nona.)

(Iain reading to Cory about Apollo 13.)

(We did a Lego building contest at the museum. The three big kids LOVED it.)

(Mason liked the fun house mirrors better.)

(This girl is not scared of bugs one bit.)

(youngest two)

(We spent a day at the property--Ivy's first trip!)

(See Iain waaaaay up there?)

(On the drive home, during one of the rare minutes she wasn't crying.)


(Oldest and youngest.)

(I love this outfit on her!)

(Our CC community.)

(Iain's CC class)

(Cory is learning to mow the lawn!)

(We gave the Wesley couch away. It was a good old couch. It lived in Apartment A while I was there, and I loved it, so I got to take it with me when I left. Then it spent time in our house, Kelsey's house, and Jenna's house.)

(The girls on the way to church.)

And there you have it. The time I have to blog is less than ever, but life is good. Full. Busy. Crazy. Overflowing. Unmanageable at times, but always a blessing.

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