Our other sleeping news is that Iain has discovered tummy-sleeping. Here's a cute shot we got of him right before he woke from his nap the other day.
Playing: Iain loves the walker. Right now, his mobility is hindered by the train table, washer, and dryer in our dining room, but all that will be gone soon, giving him full reign of the tiled floor. He can move forwards and backwards and likes peeking around the fridge at me as I wash the dishes.
He also has decided that his new favorite toys are the plastic ABC book and the car-driving-thing (thanks Grammy and Aunt Gloria!). He likes to "read" his book while lying in a pile of other toys (like Scrooge McDuck swimming in his gold coins?), and he likes turning the car thing upside down and banging on the back of it. We frequently hear it counting "one-two-th-four-f-s-seven" as he never quite gives it enough time to get the words out before banging again. :) (note: the book-reading thing is not new - look at the post "Some Updates" under the February archives)

Swimming: Here are a few pictures of Iain's first swim! Or rather, his first "sit and splash." He seemed to enjoy the water very much until he discovered the grass outside of the pool. Then that became much more interesting.

Framing: The framers were here on Saturday and got most of the bathroom done. There is a bit more electrical work that needs to be done before they can finish, so hopefully that will be taken care of tomorrow evening. Then the framers should be back (here's hoping!) Wednesday or Thursday late afternoon. No word on if they will be able to finish at that point or not.

Yay! What a cutie family!
Hi Allie!
Good girl keeping him all covered during his 1st swim! I would hate to see what his skin does with too much FL sun!
Yes, I'm healthy, just tired all the time because of these crazy last days of school. I can't wait to hang out with you, but it may need to wait until I'm done with school. There's just so much to do after I get home to prepare for the next day! Thanks for being patient!
So thankful some work has progressed!
Hmm. .. . will be interesting to see if he's a visual or audio learner! He seems to love the banging/scratching sounds, but the book gazing for long periods . . . what are you thinking? How is the teething going?
Praising God for sleep!
Thanks for coming by my blog and leaving such kind encouraging words... your little guy is precious. I'd love to hear about it if you start up a "thinking blog" as you called it. :)
Jess @ Making Home
Hey, found a cool website/magazine- Mothering.com
I don't agree with all of it, but with what I've read, I'm impressed so far.
Also, see if you can find the book, "Mitten Strings for God" at the Library. It's amazing, and I know you'd really enjoy it.
Seven more days...then we can play!! =)
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