Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Mama, Balls!

Only six green tomatoes. Small, hard, unripe, hanging promisingly among the leaves. Remember the springtime garden? Two hardy tomato plants survived, producing these hopeful fruits. I just looked at them this morning, wondering when they would ripen enough to eat.

Then later, I am engrossed in something besides keeping a close eye on Iain...

...which proves a fatal mistake, for the tomatoes...

...I hear the chirping voice: "Mama, balls!"

All six. Do I laugh, scold, or sigh? All three. And take pictures.


Mrs said...

Fried green tomatoes, anyone?

Lauren said...

Oh, so sad!!! (And so funny, I have to admit!)

Anonymous said...

He makes me laugh too! Never a dull moment :)


DaDaHaZaReJe said...

I'm definitely laughing! And remembering the day Hannah 'weeded' my herb garden. She carefully pulled every last tiny herb plant out of the soil and proudly showed me her handiwork.