Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christmas 2011

Ok, so I am so far behind in my keeping of the blog that it's starting to stress me out. So--Christmas 2011, the bullet-point version:

So glad to have FIVE stockings on our mantle this year.

--We spent Christmas in Florida, first with my side of the family, and then with Jeremy's.

--It was special to go to our old church for the Christmas Eve service this year.
--I got to spend some sweet time with my dear friend Lauren.
--Poor Cory was throwing up sick on Christmas Eve, so he missed Christmas Eve dinner and the present exchange my family does after (this year: socks). And since I was mostly upstairs taking care of him, I couldn't get the remaining non-sickies dressed in their Christmas outfits. Oh well. I had fun making them, at least.

The sock exchange. Nan got a puppy in a sock--a real one. My family is so weird.

--The boys got soccer jerseys from Kelsey in Uganda. They LOVE them.

--I think I expected that having Laina home would be really huge. I mean, having her missing from our Christmas for the two years that we waited for her was so intense in a bad way. I figured it would be equally intense, but in a good way this year. But it wasn't intense. It was sweet and such a relief. It was just...right. Finally right.
Laina loved opening presents!

--The boys had a great time with the cousins, as usual.
Poor little sickie.

--Papa bought some building kits that were a hit. Iain made a school bus, Cory made a school locker, and then they both made a jewelry box for Laina.
--Before we headed down to Grammy and Papa's, we had to hit the go-cart track. Since Iain is five, he can finally drive by himself, which is a huge deal. He was actually quite good, and a bit competitive, running Cory and Haylee off the road so he could win. Laina had her first ride, too, and loved it.
--Christmas, 2011. The End.

1 comment:

Papa said...

What a great post. It helps me relive some really special times with the whole family - and see what fun the Linduff clan had as well. Merry Christmas!!!