Today, Iain Mark is six months old. I thought it would be fun to compare the six-month-old Iain with the newborn one:
Weight Then: 8lb 12 oz
Weight Now: 23.5 lbs
Height Then: 23 inches
Height Now: 29 inches
Family Photo Then:

Family Photo Now:
New Tricks Now: practicing sitting and trying to scoot
Favorite Dayime Activity Then:

(note: in the week since I originally wrote this post, Iain's favorite activity has changed. Now the jumpy seat holds his attention only briefly, but sitting up in a laundry basket, so he doesn't topple over, and playing with his toys has become the new favorite!)
Menu Then: milk
Menu Now: milk, rice cereal, sweet potatoes, and the new favorite: squash!
Musical Inclination Then:

Well. House-wise, we did finally get the slab poured, only two days late. We also had some electrical work done (preliminary stuff) and Jeremy and I are working a few hours at a time to fill the cement block cells on the four corners of the laundry room. We also bought a stackable washer and dryer from Craigslist, which will save us several feet of living space.
Iain is still teething, but seems to be not quite as miserable as he was before. He is sleeping moderately well at night and today he napped exceptionally well! He also sat up for ten minutes before tumbling over.
Since I haven't been able to post in a while, I have a backlog of cute Iain photos.
Here are some more family photos. Iain was being rather wiggly and fussy so we had a hard time getting a good smile out of him!

Trying to coax a smile:
Iain up a tree: