Wednesday, April 04, 2007


We had more of a fight than usual getting Iain to bed tonight. He wanted to jump, talk, play, fuss - anything but relax and go to sleep. Finally, I had him quiet with his eyes starting to close when a noise woke him up and he was back to arching his back, looking around, fussing. Thankfully he is down and out, hopefully for a while. So here are a few pictures, and then I'm done.

Iain after a bath: He was playing and splashing a lot in the tub (now that he can sit up, he likes it better), so that's why his eyes are a bit red. He never cried when he got himself in the face, but he did kind of gasp and look surprised.

And the swing outside. Grace and Natalie came over a few times to play with Iain, and he loves it when they take him outside. (You can tell this picture is a couple of weeks old by the fact that Iain is dressed in warm clothing.)


Anonymous said...

Allie you really need to get this kiddo into some photo shoots!!
He looks so cool in every picture, this kid's got style. He must have some pretty good looking 2nd cousins too. :D

Iain's Fairy-Godmother :)
I like this title of mine!!

Mrs said...

"I am a C . . I am a C-U . . . I am a C-U-T-I-E-P-I-E-E . . . Ok, so that didn't quite work and looks like I'm saying, "Cutiepee." Sorry, but I'm sure it fits somewhere in your day1

And a million sorrys about this week! Arrrgghhh!