For our third anniversary last week, we took a trip to Savannah. The little man, of course, came along. :) It was a really nice trip - relaxing to be away from the home construction for a little while. We like to stay in B&Bs, but this time we thought a hotel would give us more freedom and be easier with Iain. He really loved the hotel room, for whatever reason. He walked around and around it, carrying his box of wipes. Go figure. We also had hot waffles for breakfast every morning, thanks to the hotel's waffle-maker (which, I learned, you can't buy unless you're a place of business. Too bad. It was nice.).
Anyway, we spent the first afternoon (we got there Monday afternoon, in time for Iain's nap) wandering around looking for a fabled pizza place that Jeremy had heard might exist and might be good. Eventually we found it. It did exist and was good! But by that point, I think rocks would have tasted good. :)
My fellows at the pizza place:
Iain enjoyed walking around this little park. Savannah has tons of these squares throughout the city; they were really nice. This was one of the first times Iain had walked around outside by himself and he enjoyed looking at things and picking up acorns.

Day two: a trolley ride that we did in two shifts because the Iain wasn't cooperating. A walk through the beautiful St John the Baptist Cathedral. Back to the hotel for Iain's nap and for Jeremy to stub his toe, tempering his enjoyment of walking for the remainder of the day. Back out for the second half of the trolley ride. The railway station museum was next. It was basically an abandoned train yard and a few abandoned buildings that you walk through. Iain LOVED the fish pond - one of his favorite things about the whole trip. I think he would have jumped right in if I had let him. He liked pounding on the train, too. Everything is a drum...

Then we went out to dinner at the Pirate House, a restaurant in a building that really did use to be used by pirates. There are tunnels under the building that lead to the river. Pirates could smuggle in contraband rum or smuggle out prisoners (people who had too much to drink and woke up to find themselves on a ship sailing for the far corners of the world). Don't you think I have the cutest pirate around?

On our last day, we wandered around for most of the morning and early afternoon. Iain got to pet the carriage horses - he wasn't at all nervous. We looked at the train in the candy store. We walked down by the river and he and I split an ice cream. We wanted to go in the First African Baptist Church, which had holes cut in the floor for the slaves on the underground railroad, and which was built by the light of bonfires at night, by slaves who had worked in the fields all day. Talk about humbing! But we missed the only tour, so we headed home. It was a really nice trip.

The other news around here is that Iain has moved to one nap a day. He hasn't quite adjusted yet, so much of our morning is spent like this:
But some days we see this instead:
Or this:
And as of today, the last of the drywall is hung and waiting for its second coat of mud and tape. We've chosen the paint colors, tile for bathroom and laundry room, and have started investigating flooring. Soon the texture will go on the walls, then the paint, then we'll really be cooking! We can't wait to get this room done - and before Newby arrives!

Day two: a trolley ride that we did in two shifts because the Iain wasn't cooperating. A walk through the beautiful St John the Baptist Cathedral. Back to the hotel for Iain's nap and for Jeremy to stub his toe, tempering his enjoyment of walking for the remainder of the day. Back out for the second half of the trolley ride. The railway station museum was next. It was basically an abandoned train yard and a few abandoned buildings that you walk through. Iain LOVED the fish pond - one of his favorite things about the whole trip. I think he would have jumped right in if I had let him. He liked pounding on the train, too. Everything is a drum...
Then we went out to dinner at the Pirate House, a restaurant in a building that really did use to be used by pirates. There are tunnels under the building that lead to the river. Pirates could smuggle in contraband rum or smuggle out prisoners (people who had too much to drink and woke up to find themselves on a ship sailing for the far corners of the world). Don't you think I have the cutest pirate around?
On our last day, we wandered around for most of the morning and early afternoon. Iain got to pet the carriage horses - he wasn't at all nervous. We looked at the train in the candy store. We walked down by the river and he and I split an ice cream. We wanted to go in the First African Baptist Church, which had holes cut in the floor for the slaves on the underground railroad, and which was built by the light of bonfires at night, by slaves who had worked in the fields all day. Talk about humbing! But we missed the only tour, so we headed home. It was a really nice trip.
Wow, what a trip! Was that pizza place by any chance at the last square before the river? Was there just a narrow hall for seating and the ceiling felt so low you became claustrophobic?
If so, I concur! Great pizza!
We're ready to texture this weekend if you are. We'll probably texture whether you're ready or not, but we'll definitely texture for you guys, too. Just call Himself to set it up.
All I know is, I need to get this school room finished! Having to tear it down and put it all back up for Monday classes has been horrible!
How funny! We had talked about going to Savannah this year :)
What a cutie he is. I love his shoes! He's old enough and mobile enough to actually wear them. I can't believe it!
You look cute, too. I like that skirt. And yay house! Nearly ready! Picking out paint and tile sounds like fun :)
I agree, you look adorable in that denim skirt. Happy anniversary to you two. Today was Jeff's and my fifth anniversary! How time flies!
I miss you! What's your schedule like next week?
Raia (and Asya) and I looked at this entry together. I wish you could have heard all of Raia's comments! She loved the pictures. On the fussy one she says, "Baby is not obeying," and then on the next one, "Now he's obeying!" The train and the horses and the pirate hat were all greatly appreciated.
We stopped in Savannah on our honeymoon. :-)
I'm thankful you weren't ready for texture. The machine we rented was a nightmare! What should have been an hour took almost 6 when you count the cleanup. Grrrrr. . . they didn't charge us a penny more after Himself gave them the what-for.
Do you think you'll be ready by Wednesday?
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