We are really enjoying our summer!
--The boys have become fascinated with bears. Hence the two pictures below.
--Grammy and Papa came to visit, baked with the boys, and painted the kitchen blue.
--We went to Orlando for almost a week, and Jeremy and I spent our first weekend away from the boys at a FamilyLife Marriage conference, which was incredible. (My mom kept the boys.)

so fun!
Great pictures :) They really capture his personality :) Glad to see you're enjoying summer
I have a cute pic of the boys swinging from your last visit. If you'd like a copy, see if you can't just drag it off by blog onto your desktop. www.withwards.blogspot.com It was a few posts back.
Oh, I remember painting with Jeremy's folks!!! Fun memories! P.S. Cory has a Schweitzer face in that last pic, if I ever saw one! Wow! Hope to see you all soon!
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