So, I haven't felt much like blogging lately. The news out of Rwanda is that there is no news, and it's been hard to feel much hope. So as we enter into the season that is supposed to remind us of Hope and who He is, I am trying to remember what I know:
--He is good.
--He is strong.
--He is Emmanuel, the God who is with us. And with our daughter. Oh, come Emmanuel.
But life goes on, and there are good things that happen in this crazy time that I want to remember, and for the boys to remember. And so:
We did shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Iain choose to pack for a girl, and Cory a boy. Iain especially really got into it. When we dropped off the boxes, Cory prayed for the boy and girl, "that they would have lots of presents and wouldn't get bites from any bugs, but would have roly-polys, and that we would have roly-polys too."
We spent Thanksgiving in Florida with Grammy and Papa, Yaya, Phil and Kelly, and Uncle Larry and Aunt Lisa. I hardly took any pictures.

Aunt Lisa got a gingerbread house for the boys to do.
I finished Nano for the second time (Nanowrimo = National Novel Writing Month, where you write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November). My first time, in 2008, I really loved it, and I ended up with a workable manuscript. This time, it was so hard. I didn't like the novel, nothing really flowed, and it was a fight to the finish. If Alison hadn't been doing it with me, I think I would have thrown in the towel. But we both finished, so that's something.
That's about all our news here. And I can think of no interesting way to end this post...
The End.
Is Cory wearing shorts over his jeans in the photo with the dog? (He is looking so grown up btw!)
Yes, yes he is. :) It's his new favorite look (especially when I won't let him wear only shorts in forty-degree weather. :)
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