(don't worry; I was at a stop sign)
We spent the night with her, her daughter Isabel, and husband David. It was fun to see them again, and to let the kiddos play. Cory loved Isabel's walker, and the full-length mirror. :)
(note the yawn, explained below)
Both boys decided not to sleep that night. Apparently, they knew Jeremy wasn't with us and that they had me outnumbered. :) They were both down and sleeping on time, but Cory decided to wake up every fifteen minutes to half an hour from 10pm to 12am, when I brought him into bed with me. We both slept until 2am, when Iain, who rarely does this, woke up hollering from the next room. I went in to see what he needed and help him get back to sleep, but Cory woke up then. So then I had both of them fussing and crying and NOT SLEEPING until 4:30, when finally, we all crashed in one twin bed, for less than an hour. Then Iain was up for the day. Cory slept in until 8 and was still a fussy mess when he woke.
So we set off on a half-hour drive to my cousin Lindy and her husband Ryan's house for a cookout (Jeremy drove down with my mom, Nan, and Haylee to meet us there). But I really wanted a coke to keep me awake. So Annie gave me directions to a fast food place, and then back to the way my google map was sending me. I got my coke, pulled out into traffic, and dropped it on the van floor. So I pulled into a neighborhood, grabbed it up, wiped up the sticky mess as best I could, and pulled back into traffic. And dropped it again.
We ended up taking some crazy, round-about way to Lindy's house, since I muffed up the directions Annie gave me. At one point, I pulled off into a gas station so I could call someone for directions. I told Iain I needed to call someone to help us. He chirped, "Call Noah. Noah help Iain."
We made it, though, without Noah's help. I have no idea how we got there.
It was a great day! Lindy and Ryan have a beautiful home with room for both boys to take long naps. We swam and took a walk through a cypress swamp by a lake (the best thing about Florida. It was breath-taking!). My boys sure are water babies. They didn't want to leave!
Here's Lindy and Iain:

(again, note the yawn)
And some more swimming fun:

Left the party, headed home, got ready for the dedication and subsequent party on Sunday. What a weekend!
Ours don't sleep without Papa around either. Well, the older two don't. At least they're old enough to stay quietly in their beds and wait for him!
Sounds like you didn't let it ruin your day, though. . . other than your Coke holding abilities. :-) Where's the photo of you yawning?
"Call Noah. Noah help Iain." HA!!! Let's hope Noah didn't inherit his mom's sense of direction (or lack thereof!). It wouldn't have helped you much!
And the twice-spilled Coke... aargh. Tell me again why adults don't get to use sippy cups too?
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