First, four years in review:
The Big Day: (we went to Scotland for our honeymoon - the first trip - but all my pictures are on paper, not digital.)

Our first anniversary: Charleston, SC
Our second anniversary (two weeks after Iain was born): Cedar Key, FL
Our third anniversary (I was six and a half months pregnant with Cory): Savannah, GA
Our fourth anniversary: Sarasota, FL (we should have taken a family photo there, eh?)
And some more pictures. Anniversary gifts:
From me:
From Jeremy:
From Jeremy's dad: (this is his car's sunroof; we got to drive it - the car, not the sunroof - all weekend. I really enjoyed it - the sunroof, not the car. Well, okay, the car, too. I give up!)
From the Creator:
While we were out, Iain spent most of his time doing this:
And Cory, whom I don't have a picture of, but who I promise was there, mostly crawled, chewed on things, and looked cute.
On to year five!
Yay! Happy anniversary!
I love that wedding picture. I wanted more 'fun' pictures from our wedding, but our photographer liked to stick to the traditional stuff taken in the church and he was in a hurry. I don't know why. :)
I must have a funky computer screen because I can't really tell what your gift was...candles? I'm sorry!
Email when you get a chance!
Happy Anniversary, Jeremy and Allie! May the Lord continue to bless you and surround you with His love.
I really like this post. It's encouraging, but I can't put my finger on why. I just like it.
Happy anniversary! I'm so glad you planned things so that we enjoyed your special day four years ago with you. :-)
Yay! Congrats on four years, friends! It's hard to believe that it's been that long. Sidonie and I had only been courting for about two months, but I'm so glad I got to come down and share your celebration with you! Give the boys hugs from their far away Uncle and Aunt! We miss you guys!
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