Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Fussy Days and Long Nights

That's been our week so far. Iain has decided that sleeping is for the birds and he'd just rather not. Catnaps during the day, a few hours at night, and he thinks he's good to go. Unfortunately, it (or something) is making his quite a fussy little fellow. Today we tried the swing, being outside on a blanket, the bouncy seat, taking a walk... he'd be distracted for a short time, but then he'd remember his fussiness and that would be the end of that. At night, he sleeps well for a few hours, and fitfully and with many wake-ups after that. Hopefully it's just a phase....?

Jeremy and Iain:


Phyllis said...

Of course it's just a stage he's going through! Not that it makes it too much easier right now, but before long things will change. How old is he again? I should know. . . .

Anonymous said...

Iain, Iain... we'll just have to remind you that you're indeed a HAPPY little guy! I promise not to touch your feet again and make you cry. . .

Allie said...

Phyllis: Iain is 12 weeks old today! Happy birthday to him... :)

Mrs W: I looked for you after church so you could hold him, but you were nowhere to be found. I'm sorry!