Sunday, April 01, 2007

Yum Yum!

If you know us well, you know we are Slurpee fans. I think we are second only to Haylee in our shared love for the frosty treats. A few weeks ago, when Haylee was in town, she offered Iain a taste. Usually when I have a cold drink, he wants to lick the condensation off the cup, because it's cold and wet and feels good on his still-teething gums. He also likes sucking on ice cubes wrapped in a washcloth. So we decided we'd see what he thought of a real cold treat. It was a very small taste, but he did seem to like it!

Here's a summary of the past days:

Last Friday, Iain and I went with my mom and grandmother to Tallahassee to visit Haylee, Jenna, and friends. Iain did admirably! He had an upset stomach and was teething, and he still held it together bravely. We enjoyed the trip, though it was a very long day.

Grammy and Papa came for a visit Sunday and Monday. It was good to see them and Iain was especially tickled by Grammy's funny dances and songs. He really laughed and laughed at her - more than he has ever laughed. It was just so cute that we wanted her to keep dancing and him to keep laughing! Grammy and Papa also watched Iain for Jeremy and I so we could mix cement and fill cells in our cinderblock laundry room walls. This was a big help and we got the job done a few hours and wheelbarrow loads later. (If anyone out there knows how to load video clips on here, please let me know - I have adorable ones of the laughing Iain!)

Speaking of work on the house, everything is moving along fairly well. We are almost ready to frame in! That feels like a big milestone. It will be so nice to have this done, both for the extra space it will aford us, and to be done with this huge project that has gone on for so long.

Last Wednesday, we went back up to Tallahassee (all three of us this time). We stayed overnight with Jenna, and Jeremy played drums at Wesley, along with some of the former praise band members. It was a lot of fun! Jenna stayed with Iain so I could go to the worship service, and afterwards, we stayed late talking to old friends. We didn't get back to the apartment until about 12:30 am. Having the old praise band together and worshipping in the Chapel of the Upper Room again with good friends around was surreal and wonderful.

And finally, Kelsey came down on Saturday because she was the finalist in a drawing for a car. She didn't win a real car, sadly, but she won a foam one that Iain loves to chew on. She also sat with him while he played on his new favorite toy, the Bee Bop Band drum and percussion toys he got for Christmas. He can play with these noisemakers for long periods of time without getting bored. He's especially taken with the centipede drumsticks which are good for waving around, gnawing on, and of course, smacking the drum and other things with.

Developmentally, Iain is now sitting like a champ. No teeth yet, though his gums are still bothering him. He reaches his arms up when he wants to be picked up, which is adorable and my favorite of his new "tricks." He is now eating squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, pears, rice cereal, bananas and cheerios (well, he's trying to eat the bananas and cheerios. He's not quite there yet). Green beans are a no-go. He likes sitting on Jeremy's lap as Jeremy plays the drums, and Iain likes to hit and scratch at the cymbals. He can push up on his arms and wants so desperately to crawl, but he's not there yet (in the picture with him on hands and knees, he had some help to get there, but he did manage to stay that way.). When he gets there, look out! This little guy can move! He never stops kicking his legs or jumping up and down or twisting around to look at something - he is more wiggly than anyone I know. Just try to hold him on your lap in church and you'll know what I mean! He's also still trying out his "words" - a few days ago he had two ladies at the store carrying on a conversation with him. He was thrilled and ready to show off his cuteness, and they seemed to enjoy themselves as well.


Phyllis said...

For videos
is really easy.

Phyllis said...

Oh, when you upload the video to Dropshots, it will give you a code to paste in here.

Jaan says he wants to play drums with Baby Iain.

Anonymous said...

My, my! The apple doesn't fall far from the 7-11, does it?:)

Mrs said...

Sidonie cracks me up AGAIN!

I KNEW he was eating carrots by that red nose. :-D I had so much fun with him the other day! He can slobber all over my keys any time.

Thanks for the GREAT pictures!

Anonymous said...

Precious!! Caiden enjoys sitting on Jeff's lap while he plays the keyboard. She hasn't discovered the reaching and grabbing function of her hands yet- still enjoying the touching and gnawing aspect they hold. =) I can't believe he's eating so much he nursing less? How is sleep going? Still praying for ya'll!