Iain seems to really enjoy Cory, "sharing" his toys a little too enthusiastically, waving to him all the time (Cory "waves" back, which makes Iain laugh), and sympathizing with him when it's time to get a diaper change. (The one thing that makes Cory scream!)
Cory's birthday:
Cory has dark hair and eyes. Right now his eyes are blue, but I think they will change to brown. They are much darker than Iain's were. He's asleep most of the time, but when he wakes up, he's very alert and so much fun!
This weekend was a busy one for us: my sisters were all in town, as was Curtis, Jenna's fiance, and Jeremy's parents. We did lots of wedding stuff and lots of visiting. One of the goals was family pictures, but poor little Iain wasn't feeling well (he has a nasty cold still), so they turned out okay but not great. Nevertheless, here they are:
The whole clan:

Our little tribe:

Unfortunatley, not a single picture of us with Grammy and Papa turned out; Iain was too far gone. Please pray for him to get well soon, and especially for Cory to stay healthy. There's nothing sadder than a sick newborn! We're doing our best to keep the germs down, but there's really only so much we can do!
In closing, one of my new favorite pictures. It captures Iain so well. Jenna and Curtis were sitting, Jenna holding Cory, and I started to take a picture. Iain saw a camera and an opportunity, and here's what I got:
I sure do have a great family, don't I?
Allie, you do have a great family! And I miss you all very much :) I'm so glad he's such a great sleeper and eater. Healthy, alert, voracious newborns are the best!
sorry....blogger posted me twice.
How wonderful! We are so excited for you! The boys and I will be in town for about another 3-4 months. We'd love to meet the new addition. God has truly blessed you. Take care.
HAAAA! That picture of Iain made me laugh out loud! I almost want to print it and stick in on the fridge for a reminder to have joy in the little things! Thanks for sharing! =)
Love, Shae
p.s. as soon as I'm healthy, I'll call you and see if you're ready to have visitors. ;)
Yes. you do!! Congrats on Cory. He is such a handsome, not-so-little guy. I send my love to all of you and pray that Iain feels better.
What a delight! Iain's the best! I hope he feels better soon.
During my Bible study on Monday night, we were reviewing the lesson. I smiled when I reached the page where I had recorded, 'Baby boy for Brannons!' with the date and time. Haylee had called me while I was doing my Bible study.
Then Goobie and I were in the library yesterday and she perked right up and said, "Cory's a week old!" I'm so happy to hear he enjoys sleeping and eating!
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