As I look back through my photos of 2008 and think about the many, many memories we made or were given in that speedy year, allow me to share with you my list of gifts I was given during the last 366 days (it was a leap year, after all!).
57. Cory was born! A mere 15 days late, our sweet little man made his appearance into our home and into our hearts.

58. Related: we became a family of four.

59. Watching my boys being brothers is a sweet gift indeed.
60. Our trip to Atlanta to hear Pastor Tim preach, to worship the Lord, to see old friends...
61. Good times with good friends (Noah and Lauren continually make our list of thanksgivings!)
62. Jeremy's job which a) he loves and b) enables him to work from home.
63. In April, Jenna got married to Curtis (and Jeremy especially was glad to get another man in the family!)
64. Learning to juggle two under two - it's actually been wonderful! With a few exceptions of really crazy moments (like mealtimes), it's so much more fun to have two.
65. Our zoo membership!
66. Iain, my little man who is eager, fun-loving, silly, and zany, and who cares for Cory like a true big brother.
67. Watching Iain learn to pray. He loves to pray for people who are sick, especially. Like this: "Dear Jesus, please help Cory feel better. In Jesus' name, amen. Jesus will help Cory because He's a mighty God!" Or for Jeremy: "Dear Jesus, please help Daddy do a good job working. In Jesus' name, amen. Jesus will help Daddy because He's a mighty God!"
68. Special memories with me and my boys (like this walk to 7-11 for a rare slurpee treat, or our many trips to the park. Oddly, some of the best times we have are when we're outside because someone (usually Iain) is sick and we need a change of pace. We have some fun!)
69. Jeremy and I had a date at Epcot (with Cory who was too small to leave behind). We got to see the flower show.
70. Easter pictures with two boys instead of one! (Click here for last year's picture.) Thanks, Kels, for the photo shoot!

71. Lots of praying about big life changes... again and again... and waiting still to see what the Lord has for us.
72. Going to Camp Carolina - stressful but good.
73. The feeling of adventure that comes with being open to His plans!
74. Our trip to Tennessee for Nan's birthday.
75. Seeing Jeremy with the boys.
76. Cory, who loves to be held, who climbs all over everything with astonishing skill for an almost-one year old, who is sweet and funny and lovng.
77. I've been getting practice two days a week at having three kids - Iain and Cory love days when Caiden comes over!
78. The Alabama trip to surprise Jenna - and seeing Iain's pure joy at getting to drive a tractor with Uncle Curtis. Truly a highlight for Iain AND for me.
79. Seeing Cory's personality just blossom. It's amazing to watch him grow.
80. Iain turned two! He delights and amuses us with his witty and hilarious remarks. Love to hear what is in that boy's brain! He's smart and sweet and all three of us adore him!
81. Jeremy and I celebrated our fourth anniversary. He is a wonderful husband and an awesome daddy - he's my biggest gift this side of heaven.
82. I had fun doing flowers for another wedding - that makes two weddings I've done (Jenna's being the first).
83. Hearing Iain sing all the time. ALL THE TIME! He constantly has songs on his mind and he loves to sing for whoever will listen, or even if no one does.
84. LOVED the trip to the farm with Lauren and Noah. What an awesome day that was!
85. Cory starting to learn to walk.
86. Holidays spent with families.
87. Cranberry sauce on my Thanksgiving meal! And this year, Iain joined me!
88. Jenna and Curtis' happy news - and a cousin for my boys.
89. Doing NaNoWriMo and finishing!
90. Christmas - Cory's first, Iain's third, and Jeremy and my fifth.

91. Lessons learned this past year, especially on contentment.
92. Jeremy, who is patient, kind, loyal, hard-working, silly, steady, and loving.
93. My new business idea - stay tuned!
94. My girls' Bible study and the small group we have meeting in our home.
95. My family. This is where I want to be. I am so blessed!
On to 2009!
Iain singing! And if you try to join him, it's, "I do by MY-self" which is of course in a sing-songy way.
Love, love, love the B family!
Love this!! So many blessings. And we are SO thankful for you, too!!
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